AP2 - Academy of Arts at January’s


      Welcome to the uniform selection page for AP2 Class on Monday 5:00 and 6:00PM. Please pay attention and only purchase the following color choices for the products listed.

      Please note: Monday is the only day you wear Peacock. All other days leotard color is dancers choice!

      You may select any style from the options below!
      Leotards and Skirt: Peacock (skirts are optional and can be worn is ballet class)
      Tights: Theatrical Pink
      Booty Shorts LO10: Pink OR SL83: Peacock OR SL204: Black (dancers choice, shorts are for Jazz or Modern Class)
      Jazz Pants: Black (can be worn in for Jazz, Modern or Hip-Hop Class)
      Sweater Wrap: Black
      Jazz Shoe: Sand or Caramel (either color/style, dancers choice)
      Tap Shoes (if applies): Matte Black
      Character/Jazz Shoes (if applies): Black
      Sweatpants (optional): Antique Rose

      21 products